Case Study - A website refresh to enjoy with a cup of coffee
The new Surdel Coffee News website is now a more user-friendly experience that enhances the Coffee News brand, making it easy for readers and potential advertisers to connect and learn more about the brand.
- Client
- Surdel Coffee News
- Year
- Service
- Service

At Betonicah Web Design, we’ve always enjoyed the Coffee News brand, often reading it at our local Tim Horton’s. When we reached out to Surdel Coffee News to advertise, we found out they were looking for a local team to improve their website. We saw this as a great opportunity to help them strengthen their online presence and better connect with readers and advertisers. We redesigned their site with a fresh, modern look, starting with a hero section that highlights their advertising services and includes quick-access links to the online edition, contests, and advertising inquiries. We also added clear call-to-action buttons to encourage newsletter signups and make it easy for advertisers to reach out.
To boost engagement, we included testimonials from happy advertisers, a benefits section highlighting why businesses should advertise with Coffee News, and a straightforward FAQ. We designed a clean, modern layout that works seamlessly across all devices and optimized the site for SEO to drive more traffic. Additionally, we created a dedicated section for downloadable PDFs of each printed edition, making them easy for readers to access. We also integrated newsletter signups into the contest and contact forms, making it simple for visitors to stay connected. The result is a user-friendly website that enhances the Coffee News brand, making it easy for readers and potential advertisers to connect and learn more about Surdel Coffee News.
What we did
- Web design
- Website audit
- Mailing Services